Friday 1 August 2014

Christmas in July and August...

I'm up to my old seasonally-inappropriate tricks again. Yes, in the warm and welcome heat of this July (and now August) in London,  I've given in to the gentle nags in Zazzle's newsletter...and have been producing Christmas designs!

Digital watercolour and glitter "Merry Christmas," bauble and fir branch (painted in Artrage 4)
So, I thought I'd post them as some work-in-process (not all are finished or uploaded yet).

All were made in Artrage 4 first.

This "Noel" repeating pattern started in ArtRage 4.

I used the "stencil" tool to create a "Noel" in "Brock Script" font, and then added red digital glitter to one of them. (I'm still getting over how wonderful even the idea of mess-free digital glitter can be).

Then, in Patternshop, having rotated the images, I first of all thought the glitter edges looked too messy. So I got rid of them. And then, they looked too "neat".

So the glitter edges, that make it look that bit more hand-printed have stayed in this version of the far. (Update: This design will stay as it is. It was my first Christmas 2014 sale on Zazzle-in August :-) Many thanks to the buyer!)

Portable mistletoe

At the moment, the idea I've had most fun with is portable mistletoe. By adding a watercolour sprig of it to various items, there'll always be mistletoe around when you need it this Christmas, on designs like this one...

"Kiss Me, It's Christmas" Mistletoe Tees
"Kiss Me, It's Christmas" Mistletoe Tees by BoundingSquirrel
Find other Christmas T-Shirts at

Don't know about you, but that's enough Christmassy stuff for now. I'm off to enjoy some sunshine!