Friday 31 December 2021

2022 Animated Gif Ecard Image To Share...

2022 animated gif-each number fills up with rainbow colours and then a background of rainbow splatters appears behind it.

 Hello there

Just popping in quickly, because wanted to send you the very best of wishes for the New Year...

And thought you might find this little 2022 animated gif useful. (And it is very small and light, as I deliberately cropped and optimised to give you a small image for sending wherever you'd like. Just click, right-click or tap, depending upon your device, to share it).

See you again in a few days. More soon!

Sunday 26 December 2021

Free Winter Snowberries Illustration for the In-Between Time...

Free image downloadDigital watercolour of white winter snowbeterries on a pale green watercolour background, and the text Just to say hello..."

Hello there

Hope you're doing well, even if we have now gone into that strange time that isn't quite Christmas, and not quite New Year.

Which, by the way, gave me me the idea for illustrating and popping up these snowberries. The Computer Man looked over my shoulder as I was picking out an image for this post, and agreed that it was "wintery, but not Christmassy". So it should be perfect if you need it, to drop a hello or thank you to someone, online or off. Just click, right-click or tap to download it, and feel free to use it in any of the many ways you can under my angel policy.

Thanks so much for being here this year. More soon.

Update and PS: These snowberries are now available to buy as a printable card front at CraftsuPrint. Click here for details.

Thursday 16 December 2021

This Year's Christmas ECard Solves a Mystery...

Hello there, and as we're now officially in the second half of December, reckon I can say it... Happy Christmas.

As ever, there's a Christmas Ecard for you to enjoy (and send on to others if you wish).

This year, an ongoing Christmas mystery for many of us is finally solved in this ecard... 

Free Christmas ecard cartoon gif, in which Rudolph has flashing fairy lights on his antlers, Santa looks exasperated, and the caption reads: Suddenly, it had become very obvious just why the fairy lights were always tangled when it was time to put them up each year...
You are welcome to share this ecard with others.
Just click, tap or right click, depending on your device, to download

It's also the time of year when all of us (me included) tend to get focused elsewhere, and even consider taking a breather for a few days (gosh). 

This will be happening here too...I'll almost certainly be posting things here before the New Year, but won't be on a regular schedule again until January.

So, just wanted to send you love and thanks for all your support this year, and very best wishes for the festive season and beyond, however you celebrate it, or not.

And, as ever, more soon.

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following BoundingSquirrel by email.

Friday 10 December 2021

Free Angel Illustration and More...

You may download and use this free angel illustration
Right-click, click or tap to do so.

 (Credit and links back much appreciated, but not required)

Hello there

Hope life is treating you excellently, whether you're reading this as a regular reader (in which case, thank you) or new here and in search of the angel illustration/graphic/clip art above.

In either case, this illustration is free, and with its rainbow lights background, can very definitely be used all year round, and not just as Christmas clip art.

Note: this image is also available at the top of my angel policy/terms of use, which let you know the many ways in which you can (and a very few in which you can't) use this image.

In related news...

In related news, I'm making some gentle changes to this blog which should make it easier for you to use.

As part of that, I've had to start collecting some data on this site, though am still committed to only ever collecting the minimum possible, and keeping data as safe and private as I can.

 The first benefit of the changes for you though, is that the blog now has a proper contact form. Please do use it, and get in touch with any suggestions or thoughts you have about the blog.

In line with all this, there are also changes to my privacy policy. Do take a look-the page even includes a  new privacy policy illustration to sweeten the experience, along with the ever-popular "cookies" illustration that you're also still welcome to use.


Please bear with me as some blog changes happen. Watch this space, for example, for an easier way to follow this blog again.

(It's not easy to make a post that's mostly blog-housekeeping appealing, I know, but hope the little angel goes some way to making up for it).

In the meantime, thanks for reading this, and have a lovely weekend.

More soon.

Thursday 2 December 2021

Free December Holly Clip Art Illustration

Hello there. Hope you're doing wonderfully well. And unaccountably, just like that, it's December, and time for some new (and free) clip art to celebrate the month. 

As ever, you can download without signing up to anything, and you can use it in any of the (many, many) ways allowed under my angel policy. (Links back are always appreciated, but never required).

It's just a short post today, because I've got lots of new and exciting things to share in upcoming posts. 

Just thought I should get this to you ASAP, so that you can use it in your December projects if you wish.

Thank you ever so much for being here, and more soon.

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Friday 26 November 2021

Daisies and Cornflowers: Design, Discounts and a Freebie...

Free Daisies and Cornflowers Background paper
Just tap, click or right-click to download this free Daisies and Cornflowers Background Paper

How are you doing? Deals are a great thing, but it can all feel a bit overwhelming when your inbox is stuffed with them, as mine is when writing this Black Friday.

So if all you need is a handy and cheerful floral background (that you can use in either direction) please feel free to download and use this, with no sign-ups or anything, as usual.

If you still have that shopping vibe (and boy, do I salute your stamina if so :-) ), then this is also available in lots of lovely items at Redbubble (who have some lovely "CYBER5" discounts at the moment, though I genuinely don't know for how long) on fabric at Zazzle (their codes look like today only, but don't quote me on that) and at Craftsuprint (where a 20% designer discount on all my downloadable printables lasts until the end of Monday Nov 29th 2021).

And whether you shop 'til you drop or just curl up and be cosy, have a lovely weekend.

More soon.

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Friday 19 November 2021

Holly and Christmas Trees Wrapping Paper Sheets

Hello there.

You may not believe it, but apparently I am already late in posting designs for Christmas.

In an attempt to remedy this, have just posted a new set of three sheets of Christmas/holiday wrapping paper that's fun and full of foliage, but versatile (yes, you could also use this in craft projects).

What's more, it looks as if it has 20% off until the end of today-Friday 19th Nov 2021.

Hope this helps and is fun for you.

More soon.

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Monday 15 November 2021

Grateful: Free Clip Art/ Ecard for Thanksgiving/Gratitude

Grateful in Watercolour lettering on a multi-coloured digital watercolour background.
Click, right-click or tap to download this graphic

Hello there.

Well, that was a longer break than was meant, and I ended up really needing to recover. This is ongoing, but I couldn't go another day without posting...Especially as I know that if you're in the US, it's Thanksgiving this Thursday  soon (apologies for my lack of knowledge here in the UK), and so a freebie around gratitude is in order.

(And for the rest of us-there's never a bad day to be grateful, is there?)

This is  also one of the first pieces of anything at all have created for nearly two weeks, and not least because I am feeling immensely grateful for all the help, love and support have received, and for having more energy day-by-day.

So this image is yours to download and use, in line with my angel policy.

Or, if you need something more solid, it also looks great on magnets, stickers and other items at Redbubble

Here's to gratitude-and a good week for all of us. Thank you for being here.

More soon.

PS. For another freebie on a similar theme, you can also have a look at this post.

Hope something helps one way or another, and have a great day.

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Wednesday 3 November 2021

Free November Clip Art (Art Every Day Month, Day 3)

Free illustrated November clip art illustration in pen and wash watercolour.
Tap, click or right-click to download and use this image...

Hello there. Day two of the Art Every Day challenge was more personal for me.

Day three though, is above. I realised that I hadn't put up the usual "month illustration," freebie for a while, so here it is. Just click, tap or right-click depending upon your device, and its yours to use pretty freely (see my angel policy for details). 

Note that this illustration is only about 6 by 4 inches at 300 dpi. But that makes it smaller, and therefore better for web projects.

This is an original watercolour pen and wash illustration, using Faber Castell pens, metallic gel pens, and Inktense paint pans. 

Hope all's  really well with you-I'll be back soon with more images.

(Update on November 5th: I have had to withdraw from the Art Every Day Month challenge, having twisted my neck, which is causing pain and exhaustion. As you might expect, the main cure for this is rest, but I'll be back as soon as I can).

Monday 1 November 2021

Art Every Day Month 2021 Begins...

November 1st is the start of Art Every Day Month. After a lot of pondering, the question I'll be asking myself each day is also my first day's offering...

What brings me the most joy to create-digi art journaling

If this image with resonates you, you have my absolute blessing to share it on social media in case it sparks some joy and/or ideas for someone else.

If you're one of the people who likes to know how things are created, this is a digi-art journaling piece, created stroke by stroke in the new beta version of Krita 5.

What next?

I'll be creating every day this month, but so as not to overload the blog (and you!) I'll be doing summary posts here. (If you're keen to see everything, I will be posting even more regularly on Instagram.)

And if you'd like to join the challenge itself, the ArtEveryDay group on Facebook is one of the friendliest communities I've ever been lucky enough to find and join.

Have a great week-and month!

More soon.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Free Pumpkin Clip Art for Halloween

Hello there. Hope all is well and lovely for you, wherever you are.

This week's post is earlier than usual, mostly because this pumpkin clip art would be great for Halloween projects. So if you're looking for it right now, here it is. (Having said that, being pumpkin-themed, it might also be lovely for Thanksgiving, a little further away).

Free pen and wash watercolour pumpkin clip art by Clare Walker
Free Pumpkin Clip Art-right-click, click or tap here to download

Anyway, as with all the clipart on this blog, simply right-click, click or tap, depending on your device, to save it, and it's yours to use in many and varied ways. (See my angel policy for full details).

NB. There are more Halloween-themed freebies on the blog from previous years as well, such as this raven, and a Halloween ghost gif.

Finally, if you're liking this pumpkin, and wanting a craft sheet featuring this pumpkin and other yummy autumnal squashes and motifs...

Pumpkins and Squashes repeating paterned background, by Clare Walker

Hope this helps, and more soon!

Friday 22 October 2021

New Design: Toadstools and Mushrooms

Hello there.

Hope you're well and thriving.

Toadstools and Mushrooms Apron by Clare Walker at Redbubble

Yes, this week's  post is a bit later than usual, because it's been a busy week involving all sorts of things away from the computer. (House repairs, mainly...Do *anyone* ever enjoy even the concept of  maintenance tasks? If so, please can you tell me how? Thanks!).
Toadstools and Mushrooms Mugs by Clare Walker at Redbubble

Anyway...onward and upward. The inspiration this week came from a friend who takes the most marvellously atmospheric photos, and graciously allowed me to use her lovely, magical  pics of fly agaric mushrooms as the reference photos for the more mushroomy motifs in this design.

As you can see, out came a pattern that's perfect for really cosying up to autumn (or fall, depending on where you are ;-)
Toadstools and Mushrooms Throw Pillow/Cushion by Clare Walker at Redbubble

Have a great weekend.

More, and in less haste, soon!

Friday 15 October 2021

Autumnal Art Journaling Illustrated Quote: Let Life Take You Where It Needs You to Go...

Hello there. How are you doing? Are you in a part of the world that's enjoying autumn (or spring?).

Here in London, the leaves are only just beginning to turn, which is incredibly late in the year, compared to normal.

But those falling leaves and crisp mornings mean not only that it's time for warm socks and cosy jumpers...But also, the eternal lesson of the freedom of those dancing leaves...the letting go of needing to control outcomes, or where all the pieces fall. 

This was the thought that motivated the Inktense and pen watercolour  journaling you see in the picture above.

And finally, even though I thought I was always too "salesy" in these posts, as someone asked me where they can buy things only yesterday, just to be clear, you can buy this design on prints, stickers, postcards and many other yummy things, by clicking or tapping either on the design above, or on this link.

With that said, I hope you have a lovely weekend, where you happen to find yourself in the world.

More soon.

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Thursday 7 October 2021

A New Flower Painting for Crafters...

Hello there-hope you've had a lovely week.

Just popping in to give you some more autumnal colour .

Firstly, these watercolour Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed-Susan) flowers are new...

Rudbeckia watercolour flowers (aka Black-Eyed Susans).
These Watercolour Rudbeckias now available as a craft sheet.

Enjoy your weekend when it comes, and more soon.

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Friday 1 October 2021

New Lighthouse Painting: "Shine..."

Hello there. Hope you've had a great week. 

This week's illustration has a touch of nostalgia for me...

A lighthouse illustration in which the lighthouse beam says, "Shine".
See this design on stickers, prints and more at Redbubble...

 When I was a teenager, we lived by the sea. And on clear nights, you could see  the lighthouse at Portland (Dorset),  a good 30 miles away, but beaming steadily through the darkness. There was always something very solid and comforting about that, even on land, and in times that were so much more certain.

All these thoughts of lighthouses got me to thinking about how it still feels important that each of still remembers to *shine*  brightly whenever  and as much we feel able.

And so the design was born. It's a hand drawn "traditional", line and wash watercolour/watercolour, but finished off digitally. So a true hybrid, really.

 Hope it sparks something for you too (and there are more details about it here, if it "floats your boat," as it were. (No puns were intended when I began that sentence, but hey, who could resist by the end? :-) )

Have a lovely weekend, in any event.

More soon.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

New Art: Nasturtium Joy

Orange nasturtium flowers in watercolor/watercolour pen and wash

Hello there.

Just popping in with some watercolour (watercolor :-)) flowers I thought you might like.

The vibrant oranges in some nasturtium flowers were practically singing the other day, and so this was the result.

If you're feeling a bit blue (as have heard from more than one person this week) please take this to heart especially, and let these vibrant oranges give you a boost.

And if you've been having a perfectly lovely week-yay! (And this can simply serve to show what happened to that work in-progress on Instagram :-).

And yes, it's fine to share this image as-is anywhere online. 

Let's spread some joy.

More soon.

Friday 24 September 2021

If You Go Down to The Bench Today (You're in For a Big Surprise)...

Photo of a large, cute teddy on a blue bench.

Hello there. Hope you're thriving. But if you're feeling in need of a pick-me-up or a bear hug, I couldn't resist sharing a photo of one of our newest local residents, who re-inspired me utterly the other day. 

Imagine my surprise the other day, when, wondering round the neighbourhood (frankly, in need of a little inspiration and hope myself, at the time) I came upon this cutie on a bench.

Who left him, and why, remains a mystery. But this huge and adorable teddy bear has also been spotted being a bench companion to people of all ages since. So however he (or she!) got here, this bear is doing a real public service, going beyond even providing much-needed whimsy and joy.

I am no stranger to teddy bears...

If you're a regular reader here, you might already know that I have a  very soft spot for bears.

For example, this little bear that I put onto Redbubble a while ago...

Cute illustrated teddy bear sticker
Buy this teddy sticker on Redbubble...

and this cute bear cub illustration...

Postcard of an illustration of a  bear cub hugging a tree with the message, "Sending You a Bear Hug<"
Buy this postcard on Redbubble...


Yes, meeting the bear on the bench did re-inspire me, though in all sorts of ways, bear-related and none. A piece of work in progress is on my Instagram feed, if you'd like to see it.

But all of that's for another day. Today, it's just enough to share something that's inspired me, and hope that you've been able to have a joyful and happy surprise from it as well.

Have a lovely weekend, and more soon.

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Tuesday 21 September 2021

Thank You (A Message *and* a Free Graphic for You)

Here's a confession for you. As you might have noticed, have written several versions of this post. And in the end, all I really wanted to say was "thank you".

Thankyou in handlettered watercolor text with leaves-free graphic to download
Click, tap or right-click here to download this image

Yes, it is technically my 500th post. But I'm dyscalculic, so what does a number really matter anyway ;-).

What matters, and touches me deeply, is that you and so many others have kept bothering to visit through all that time. Thank you so much.

And yes, of course, the graphic that goes with it is yours to download, below, if you'd like it.

More soon.

Friday 10 September 2021

Whimsical Watercolour Painting: Happy Hollyhocks

Hello there, and happy Friday.

Don't know about you, but I couldn't quite let summer go this week. Perhaps because it's been warmer than in the actual summer ;-). 

The late heat has also keep summer flowers in bloom. Which was a great chance to capture some happy pink hollyhocks in watercolour/watercolor. There's nothing quite like sploshing around bright, happy colours on a hot day).

I'm loving how these hollyhocks have turned out as prints...

Pink hollyhocks whimsical watercolour print on canvas
Pink Hollyhocks Canvas Print

But also that, somehow, they've sneaked onto home décor,

Cushion/pillow with pink watercolour hollyhocks on a cream background
Pink Hollyhocks Cushion/Pillow

Tall mug with pink watercolour hollyhocks on a cream background
Pink Hollyhocks Mug

as well as Redbubble's latest and very useful offering...(just about to be released as I type)...deskmats.

Pink Hollyhocks floral deskmat
Pink Hollyhocks Deskmat

That's all from here for now, but hope that some of the happiness and colour from these hollyhocks can make its way to you. Summer's been a long time coming ;-) .

Have a lovely weekend-more soon.

Thursday 2 September 2021

Free September Mushrooms & Toadstools Illustration

September illustration featuring watercolour mushrooms
Free September Illustration:
 Just click or right click to download-links back
appreciated if you use this

Hello there-hope you're well and feeling good. Am just checking in quickly with a September illustration, (of various mushrooms in watercolour (watercolor for US peeps!) that you're welcome to download and use if it helps with your projects.

There will be a lot of news very shortly, but it's still under wraps just yet. (And no, am not meaning to be mysterious...I just have to set up and test a lot of moving parts before making any announcements :-) ).

In the meantime, hope you enjoy this freebie, and have a lovely weekend.

Friday 27 August 2021

A Wedding Cartoon With A Difference?

Funny Wedding Cartoon in which the groom's vows include promising to take the bins out

I'm not sure where the idea for this cartoon (hopefully a *funny* wedding cartoon) came from. Except that as someone married (and happily, luckily, and v. grateful for it)...I was musing the other day about how the spun-sugar, soft focus, wedding-industry version of marriage doesn't always focus much on the nitty-gritty  aspects that underpin most successful relationships of all  kinds, whether formalised or not.

This led me to thinking about the scarcity of really funny wedding cartoons and cards out there.

Perhaps you could let me know on the Facebook page if you find this fun. And, if you're reading this in the USA, please also let me know whether you think this needs a separate US version that refers to "trash," instead of bins?

Many thanks, and have a lovely weekend!

Update on May 20th 2022: This cartoon is now available as a greeting card here.

Thursday 19 August 2021

Seashells-Just in Time for the Beach...

Hello there and hope all is really well there.

It's a relatively quick post today, to introduce a new design.

In honesty, I started on these motifs an few weeks ago...And then realised that it's August already and that beach season (here in quite far north in the Northern hemisphere, anyway) can be short... Luckily, the turned into a pattern that features gorgeous and restful watercolour  turquoise, pink and white seashells on an aqua background. (I believe the shells are scallops, sea snails, cowrie, whelks  (and not a shell, but oh so cute and beachie) starfish are included too.

So, whenever you're bound for the beach, this tote bagdrawstring bag, backpack or dufflebag would make  great companions.

Seashell patterned all-over print tote bagSeashell Patterned Drawstring Bag

Seashell Patterned backpack in Aqua, turquoise, pink, and white

Seashell Patterned Duffle Bag in Aqua, Pink, White, and Turquoise,

And luckily, this whimsical  design that can be lovely all year round.

Such as in this clock, 

Finally, the pattern's also on a range  there's also fabric on Zazzle, if you prefer to make your own items.

Hope you can find something here to love, and perhaps even send to someone else if you're looking for a gift, rather than a trip to the beach.

More soon!

Friday 13 August 2021

New Artwork: It's OK to be Happy, People Need Joy


If you're in a space to be thinking about joy today, I have something for you.

It's OK to Be Happy People Need Joy-Inspiring quote-hand-lettered digi-art journalling
(To share this image, retaining the watermark, the link is here)

This was a piece of digi-art journaling (hand-lettering and painting, but in a digital art program...Krita, in this case) I got up to this week. 

If you've read these posts for a while, you'll know that this isn't the first discussion of "can art/happiness be justified when X is happening,". But this just wanted to come out, as a full technicolour reminder that joy helps the world rather than hindering it.

And yes, it's a little brighter and bolder than I might have necessarily done things for a good while. Some of the credit for that must go to the workshop I'm on this week. Am purely a participant, not an affiliate or anything, But if you've been having any kind of creative block, stuckness or general "loss of colour," in your life or work recently, it may speak to you too, and you'll find all the details at:

And finally

And finally, pretty much for fun, I did put this image onto Redbubble as well, and am enjoying the look of it on magnets, mugs, and the like, here.

So I'll leave you with some more visual goodies (clicking on the pictures should click you straight through if you're interested.

And more than anything, I wish you a happy and joyful weekend.

Thursday 5 August 2021

New Cartoon Card (And I Got to Draw a Giraffe Again...)

Hello there

Hope you're well, and in the mood for some fun.

Have realised it's been ages since I posted a cartoon. So here's one  that's also now a card.

Funny Wildlife Birthday Cartoon Greeting Card
(Click through to enlarge the picture if need be).
Funny Wildlife Birthday Cartoon Greeting Card
by CartoonsbyClare

(with many thanks to the person who received it first for your positive feed back-not called Jan, obviously-that feedback is the reason I posted this for sale).

Looking back, it also seems that I have a bit of a track-record in enjoying drawing giraffes. I have another giraffe cartoon here, and an illustration from even further back, here.

(Yes, without wishing to ignore the lion on this card,  I do love drawing giraffes...It's something about their eyelashes, I think...)


Also, in my world this week...

Also, in truth, am knee-deep in doing all sorts of Christmas and seasonal designs that I just don't have the heart to share with you in the midst of what (in the Northern hemisphere, anyway) is prime summer holiday time. It feels like it wouldn't be fair.

However, hope this cartoon makes you smile. And if you have a friend who likes wildlife, remember you can customise the text on this card to say whatever you want.

In any event, hope this is fun. More soon.

Friday 30 July 2021

Free August Sunflower Illustration

Hello there, and I hope you're thriving.

Today's offering for you is this August illustration in bright yellow sunflowers.

Free illustration saying August in sunflowers
Free "August in Sunflowers Illustration". Click or tap here to download and use.

This illustration is a png, so it can be used against any background and in lots of different projects, , subject only to my Angel Policy.

(And yes, I know it's only July when I'm posting this. But I thought you might like  to use it in monthly blog posts or newsletters, and so am posting it early here).

As to, "why sunflowers?", well it's because they're popular here at this time of year. (Even though there isn't necessarily  always that much sun to go with them). If you'd like me to make something similar with the flora or foliage from your part of the world, please just let me know on social media.

More sunflowers

Sunflowers might also be popping up on other items soon. (For example, they've already made their way onto fabric).

That's all for this week, but am wishing you a happy and sunflower-filled weekend, whatever the weather where you are.

More soon.

Friday 23 July 2021

World Watercolor Month: "Home" Prompt Snail (Becomes an Animated Gif Ecard)

It's been a hot week here. But a hot week in #WorldWaterColourMonth simply means that the paints dried ultra fast.

Watercolour snail with a rainbow shell with a chimney pot on it.
Snail for WWM prompt Day 23: "Home"

It was one of the first times out for me with the Derwent Inktense travel set of watercolour inks. (Soo many thanks for a great birthday gift!).

And, whilst there's a long way to go, this snail made me smile, so thought I would post him (or her).

Then I remembered that I needed to wish a friend luck with their move, so realised that an animated gif was on the cards (which you can also download and use if you'd like). So...Ta-dah...

Rainbow snail watercolour animated gif saying Good Luck With Your Move.

Click, tap or right-click here to download this Rainbow Snail Good Luck Wth Your Move Animated Gif

And with that, I'll leave you to what I hope is a happy and lovely weekend for you. 
Take care, and more soon.


Friday 16 July 2021

Christmas in July: Free Holly Clip Art

Hello there. After a break last week am back and offering as you do in the middle of summer (as it is here)...Christmas in July.

Handpainted Watercolour Holly Christmas Clip Art With Splattered Dots
Free Watercolour Holly Clip Art

Now, if you're new to the blog, this may or may not be a head -scratcher.

But if you've been reading for a while, then you'll know that as I like to join in with the whole "Christmas in July," movement, and offer a freebie to any person who's so amazingly organised that they're looking for Christmas supplies already.

Hence, today's offering is a hand-painted watercolour PNG holly sprig.

You're welcome simply to download and use them by right-clicking, tapping or clicking on the image (depending on your device). My angel policy explains the many ways you can use them.

(By the way, if you're reading this and it's not July, then of course, you can download this just the same at any time of year).

And if you'd  like to see this holly "in action", as it were, on some ready-designed craft supplies, then there's a DL-sized card front here, matching inserts (and verses) here, and an ultra-versatile patterned Christmas holly background here.

And with that, I'm off to enjoy the sunshine. As you do, in London, when you've just completed a  Christmassy holly sprig in July... :-)

Hope all's well with you, and have a great weekend. 

More soon.


Thursday 1 July 2021

"So, I'll Be Along With Another Unicorn in About a Month..."

Unicorn picture: white unicorn on navy blue background.
Unicorn Picture/Art Print

One thing in short supply these past few months has been random conversational snippets as passers-by go about their business.  By which I mean, random snatches of conversation that last about 20 seconds, are complete in themselves, but beg sooo many further questions.

Well, like people themselves, it seems they're back around these parts, and,

 "So I'll be along with another unicorn in about a month,"

Unicorn dress, feautirng white unicorns on a dark navy background A-line dress.
Unicorn Dress 

 is one of  *the* best such snippets I've ever heard.

Naturally, it made me stop eating my lunch and look up. (Well you would, wouldn't you?)

And the person who said it turned out, indeed, to have just delivered a unicorn. Just not quite the type you might be imagining.

Unicorn Pin/Badge showing a white unicorn opn a dark blue background
Unicorn Pin/Badge

The unicorn in question was a pedalo, being delivered to a  recreational lake near us, with the head and neck of a unicorn in plastic, with the rest of the pedalo being suitably boat-shaped behind it. Said unicorn was joining its friends the dragon, swan and flamingo pedalos.

Unicorn backpack, featuring white unicorns in a pattern on a navy blue background.
Unicorn backpack

The strange thing...

The strange thing is, even though the pedalo was plastic,  I haven't been able to get more mythological unicorns out of my head since. The idea of them just would not leave me alone until at least one had been drawn, written about here,  and made available in more ways than I might normally choose or think about for a design like this. Hence all the many variarions of the unicorn design on the pics in this post.

If you're curious, you can find this particular unicorn on home décor, gift and apparel items here, or even on as unicorn fabric for your own projects, here.

*Free unicorn background*

And if you'd just like some free unicorns on an A4 size background (that's 300dpi, so printable if you'd like...) here it is. Just right-click, click or tap to download, depending on your device.

Free unicorn background, featuring white unicorns, stars and shimmers on a dark navy blue background.

Free unicorn background. Just click, right-click or tap to download

Back soon

Now, unlike the speaker in the title, am not aiming to be away from the blog for a month.

But there won't be a post next week. I'll leave you to enjoy this unicorn for now though, and promise that there will be more soon.
