Sunday 26 December 2021

Free Winter Snowberries Illustration for the In-Between Time...

Free image downloadDigital watercolour of white winter snowbeterries on a pale green watercolour background, and the text Just to say hello..."

Hello there

Hope you're doing well, even if we have now gone into that strange time that isn't quite Christmas, and not quite New Year.

Which, by the way, gave me me the idea for illustrating and popping up these snowberries. The Computer Man looked over my shoulder as I was picking out an image for this post, and agreed that it was "wintery, but not Christmassy". So it should be perfect if you need it, to drop a hello or thank you to someone, online or off. Just click, right-click or tap to download it, and feel free to use it in any of the many ways you can under my angel policy.

Thanks so much for being here this year. More soon.

Update and PS: These snowberries are now available to buy as a printable card front at CraftsuPrint. Click here for details.