Thursday 16 December 2021

This Year's Christmas ECard Solves a Mystery...

Hello there, and as we're now officially in the second half of December, reckon I can say it... Happy Christmas.

As ever, there's a Christmas Ecard for you to enjoy (and send on to others if you wish).

This year, an ongoing Christmas mystery for many of us is finally solved in this ecard... 

Free Christmas ecard cartoon gif, in which Rudolph has flashing fairy lights on his antlers, Santa looks exasperated, and the caption reads: Suddenly, it had become very obvious just why the fairy lights were always tangled when it was time to put them up each year...
You are welcome to share this ecard with others.
Just click, tap or right click, depending on your device, to download

It's also the time of year when all of us (me included) tend to get focused elsewhere, and even consider taking a breather for a few days (gosh). 

This will be happening here too...I'll almost certainly be posting things here before the New Year, but won't be on a regular schedule again until January.

So, just wanted to send you love and thanks for all your support this year, and very best wishes for the festive season and beyond, however you celebrate it, or not.

And, as ever, more soon.

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