Friday 24 September 2021

If You Go Down to The Bench Today (You're in For a Big Surprise)...

Photo of a large, cute teddy on a blue bench.

Hello there. Hope you're thriving. But if you're feeling in need of a pick-me-up or a bear hug, I couldn't resist sharing a photo of one of our newest local residents, who re-inspired me utterly the other day. 

Imagine my surprise the other day, when, wondering round the neighbourhood (frankly, in need of a little inspiration and hope myself, at the time) I came upon this cutie on a bench.

Who left him, and why, remains a mystery. But this huge and adorable teddy bear has also been spotted being a bench companion to people of all ages since. So however he (or she!) got here, this bear is doing a real public service, going beyond even providing much-needed whimsy and joy.

I am no stranger to teddy bears...

If you're a regular reader here, you might already know that I have a  very soft spot for bears.

For example, this little bear that I put onto Redbubble a while ago...

Cute illustrated teddy bear sticker
Buy this teddy sticker on Redbubble...

and this cute bear cub illustration...

Postcard of an illustration of a  bear cub hugging a tree with the message, "Sending You a Bear Hug<"
Buy this postcard on Redbubble...


Yes, meeting the bear on the bench did re-inspire me, though in all sorts of ways, bear-related and none. A piece of work in progress is on my Instagram feed, if you'd like to see it.

But all of that's for another day. Today, it's just enough to share something that's inspired me, and hope that you've been able to have a joyful and happy surprise from it as well.

Have a lovely weekend, and more soon.

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