Wednesday 31 March 2021

Free "Floral Joy" Flowery Printable Background Paper and More...

Hello there! Hope you're thriving. Spring has sprung (at least temporarily :-) here in the UK, and sharing this background (which started off as a doodle, then just grew...) feels like a great way to celebrate.

Printable floral background featuring white daisies and other vibrant flowers in shaes of pink, purple, red and gold, with spring-green leaves.

As ever, just right-click and save, or click and save, or tap and save, depending on your device, and it's yours to use pretty much as you like (see my angel policy for full details).

Attribution's always lovely, but never required, and if you do you use it, I always love to see what happens to my stuff "out in the wild" if you're up for that.

More than a background

If you're looking for even more though, this background has a card and insert to match over at Craftsuprint, and also looks rather yummy on some lovely things over at Redbubble

The choice is yours and Happy Spring(/Autumn in the southern hemisphere!) wherever you are.


Thursday 25 March 2021

Free Happy Birthday Animated Dog Gif EcardTo Share

Hello there-hope you're doing well and thriving. Today's offering is a free Happy Birthday gif. 

Free and cute animated happy birthday gif, featuring a dog whose ears go up and down...

I can share this little dog now that the birthday of the person for whom it was made has passed...And he's just too cute to sit in the dark on my hard drive, isn't he?

So please feel free to share and use it in your own projects if you'd like. Right-click or click/tap and save according to your device to grab and use him. 

(As ever, links back are always v. much appreciated, but never required).

Hope this is fun and useful for you-more soon!

Thursday 18 March 2021

There Are *No* Art Police...

If you draw, write or create anything at all, you'll probably identify with this feeling...

The time when you wake up and feel (for whatever mysterious reason) that you're a failure, and/or will never produce anything good at all/ever again.

That feeling has been creeping up on me for ages. And this week, it was time to Deal. With. It.

What I didn't realise though, was by 'fessing up to the situation  in a social media group, I'd get quite such an outpouring of support (thanks everyone), mostly from other people, saying either that they'd been to that place often, or were there right now.

Which led me to feel that I really had to do something about this now, not just for myself, but in order not to leave a loop open that was clearly very emotive for a *lot* of people.

The solution I came to was obvious and fun for me, and though it's had a lovely reception in that group, I have no idea yet whether it would ever work for anyone else.

Basically, that solution was to personify an imaginary inner critic, have them throw all my worst fears at me in a drawing and then, simply, erase them.

Which is the story behind this cartoon/four-panel comic...

A comic in which a woman erases and is freed from an imaginary "art policeman"

The *really* interesting thing was that the act of erasing this heartfelt felt but fully imaginary "art policeman" felt incredibly cathartic. In other words, I really do feel free from a ton of inner criticism.

Hope helps for you or someone you know, and/or has given you some fun.

More soon.


Thursday 11 March 2021

Free Periwinkle Printable Background Paper And More...

Hello there, and hope you're thriving. Something suspiciously like spring sunshine appeared here this week. Not only has it brought out periwinkle flowers in the park, but also in my artwork.

Periwinkle patterned background

This is a full A4 sheet that you can print as a backing paper if you want to. (My angel policy is here). Just right-click, click or tap (according to your device) and save, to use it.

If you like the flowers, but fancy this cheery but soothing pattern on something else in your home or life, my Redbubble shop has you covered.

It's fabulous on everything from a laptop skin to a shower curtain, and even as a more detailed piece of art for your walls.

The full selection of items is here in the shop, if you want to have a browse and see what you might like.

Other than that-have a lovely weekend, and more soon.


Friday 5 March 2021

New Digital Rose Painting: Art Re-Starts the Heart

Hello there. How are you doing?

It's been one of those weeks here where all the yummy feelings were that bit harder to find. In the end, I just began to draw something anyway, mysteriously felt much better as a result (ha-no mystery there, really :-) )... And so then couldn't resist thinking these words and adding them.

It's so lovely that there's art in both "heart" and "start", isn't it?

Am sure that in due course this will be in things or on them. For now though, just wanted to share the idea, in case it's helpful to you too. Feel free to share it on in the same spirit, if it helps.

More soon.
