Thursday 23 May 2024

New Freebie: Blue Leaf Outline Patterned Background

Image shows a mid-dark blue background, with the outline of leaves in a lighter blue-the pattern covers the entire background.
Tap or click or right-click here to
download this background

Hello there, and hope all is really well with you.

This week, I've been experimenting with creating patterns by using  the Krita 5 app in an entirely different way.

Am still not entirely sure I have the process down smoothly (when I do, there may even be a celebratory video showing *everyone* how to do it if they want to).

It's funny, isn't it, how using something familiar, but in a very different way, can sometimes feel harder than starting from scratch?

In the meantime, have a free download...

Whilst I perfect this though, I thought I'd post this background, as am pleased enough with it that it should make its way into the world and be useful to someone. 

So, if you'd like to use it (for anything other than selling it as it is) please do, either by downloading it here, or clicking, tapping or right-clicking on the image above to do so.

Note: the file I uploaded was A4, but whether it turns out that way when you download it via the blog, am not sure. Still, if it's useful to you as is, I'm delighted. And if you'd like, feel free to let me know what you've done with it (maybe via Instagram, where I've recently started posting again).

That's all for now, but as ever, thanks so much for being here.

More soon.