Thursday 9 May 2024

Floral Cards You Can Print in a Hurry...(And More)

Hello there, and hope all is very well with you and yours today.

And yes, as you've probably guessed this post *does* contain links to lots of my floral printables, if you're in a part of the world celebrating Mother's Day next Sunday (12th May 2024). Like this flower-pot-shaped card sheet...

Image is a snapshot of the pink flowers in a flower pot, shaped card, available to buy as an instant printable at Craftsuprint.
Tap or click here to buy the full sheet as an
instant printable download at Craftsuprint.

Or this lilac-shaped card...

Image is a snapshot of a watercolour sketch style bunch of lilacs in a vase. The shape is such that cutting around them makes a shaped card.
Tap or click here to buy the full sheet as an
instant printable download at Craftsuprint.

Or this watering-can, suitable for Mother's Day and beyond:

Image shows a watercolour watering can shaped card. The can contains pale purple hydrangeas
Tap or click here to buy the full sheet as an
instant printable download at Craftsuprint.

Most of these can be used year-round...

 But, if you're reading this at any time and are in need of a quick card or some printable wrap, most of my sheets can be used for lots of different occasions too, and at any time of year. The card sheets, for example, have labels on them to make them suitable for birthdays and/or other celebrations.


And, if you're reading this in the UK, and happen to be in 2024 as you're reading too, you may be scratching your head, and/or panicking. If so, please take a nice, deep, breath. You're right, UK Mother's Day was and always is in March. It's just that I know a lot of my readers live in other parts of the world, and I very much want to make sure that everyone is included in posts wherever possible.


Finally, thought that you might also want a sneak peak at some work-in-progress, regardless of your location. 

Well, actually, not quite "regardless", because this watercolour line and wash sketch is most likely to become a "New Home" card. It just doesn't have any of the fancy design round it yet. Watch this space for that.

Work in Progress Floral Door Sketch by Clare Walker
(Line and wash watercolour/Krita 5
digital watercolour combination).

I'll keep you posted on the progress of this design and in any event, thank you *so* much for reading down this far. (Update: This is now finished and available as a downloadable shaped card, here).

Next week, am doing a design mini-course/challenge, so I don't yet know if  I'll be posting then, or the week after. But I can say that there will be...