Thursday 4 April 2024

Simple Wild Garlic Sketch: Changing This Post and My Mind (Again)

Hello there

Yes, technically am not blogging this week. But wanted to see how you are. And so, came here yesterday, first of all thinking that I was going to be telling you about one thing (social media), and then, in a complete turnaround on waking up this morning, had an enormous vibe just to present you with the simplicity of a pretty sketch.

So, without further ado, here's some wild garlic in digital watercolour:

Sketch of white wild garlic and its green leaves.
"Wild Garlic" by Clare Walker, BoundingSquirrel.Com

And then I noticed how nice it looked in the shop:

As a transparent sticker that you can use to jazz up cards, laptops, and even water bottles:

And on everything else from phone cases:

Phone Case

To coasters...


Tune in for the next, proper post, for the background on this and (hopefully) more spring art.

In the meantime, I hope these bring a breath of spring to you, wherever and whenever you're reading this.

Thanks so much for being here, and have a lovely week.

More soon.

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