Thursday 5 October 2023

Bats, Hats, Cats, and A Big(ish) Announcement

Photos of Cute Halloween Patterned Images on Various Clothing, Gift and Craft items

Hello there, and hope you're thriving.

And just like that, we are knee-deep in the bats, cats and hats season, (a.k.a) Halloween. 

It's something with which I haven't always felt completely at home. One the one hand, I love fun, but on the other, scaring people or being scared is very much not my thing.

This year though, I decided to really go for it in my own style, and just make everything in my Halloween design as cute and whimsical as possible.

You can judge for yourself whether or not I've been successful...

Photo of a Smiling girl in a happy halloween T shirt, with Halloween motifs
Happy Halloween Scoop T-Shirt

But I was much encouraged when even my husband (a.k.a. The Computer Man) who had not been privy to my "make it cute and whimsical," idea for the design said, 
"You've really put the "happy" into Happy Halloween here-even the ghost is smiling."

So I figured that was a good sign of "mission accomplished", especially as the cat, bat and pumpkin are all smiling too, as you can see really well on this magnet:

Photo of a whimsical Happy Halloween magnet on a fridge door.
Happy Halloween Fridge Magnet

So, if you're up for a really happy Halloween with the emphasis on the happy, too, then do check out everything you can use and wear to promote the *happy* Halloween vibe


My fun new printable witch's hat-shaped card at Craftsuprint, that's really easy to make, but has plenty of "wow" factor.

That Big(ish) Announcement

It's OK, it's a happy one too, (or at least, one that should make life considerably easier when navigating this site). You can now visit one page to a beautiful smorgasbord of my designs in one place (the "browse and buy" page), with easy links to more info depending upon the type of lovely thing you seek.

This one page gives you *lots* more images than before, and replaces both the stodgy text on the old "stockists" page, *and* the old (and often temperamental) "shop" links. 

So, after a busy (oh crumbs how busy-art is so much easier :-) ) week making this page work, it only remains for me to ask you to tap or click below to:

Try Out The New "Browse And Buy" Page Here

(and please click its links through from there to anything you fancy).

Many, many  thanks, and hope you like it.

More soon.