Friday 25 March 2022

Happy Easter Daffodils

 Hello there, and hope that life is treating you well.

Cheerful daffodils dance against a blue sky in this free e-card.
Click, tap or right-click and save this
free daffodil Easter ecard

I know it's a little early for Easter (17th April if you're reading this in 2022), but wanted to post this up for you in good time if you're wanting Easter cards. (The printed version of this card that you see below is available to buy in my Redbubble store here).

Happy Easter Daffodils Greeting card (photo of same)
Click here to buy this daffodil Easter card on Redbubble.

And yes, this card is similar to the illustration for the month, but a development of it. I wanted to add more flowers, depth and effects to these ones, and bring them alive as much as possible. Spring, with its gentle sun and gorgeous vitality, feels like it's in full swing here. It's my favourite season, so I challenged myself to pack as much of that feeling into this design  as I could into this digital painting (in Krita 5). 

In fact, this was really only ever going to be a painting at first-and then no sooner had I finished that and someone asked for an Easter card. So there I was, with daffodils mysteriously at the ready, and it all morphed from there. Am finally beginning to learn that sometimes, life really will work out, if you go with it, rather than trying to force any issue.

Enough waffling from me. Here's to feeling the joy of Spring when possible, whatever the actual season wherever you are.

That's all for this week, but thanks so much for being here, and more soon.

PS. If you're feeling in need of more daffodil designs and Easter downloads, there are also several in my Craftsuprint shop.

A free animated gif showing a happy chick breaking out of an egg, and wishing the viewer a Happy Easter.
Happy Easter Chick Animated Gif by Clare Walker,
 BoundingSquirrel.Com. Click here to download
 and use or share it.

Yes, Easter would appear to have snuck up on us again, and so before taking a break for it, I just wanted to send you my very best wishes, whatever your way of celebrating  this time of year (or not).

For me, nature and the arrival of new life and hope is always key in spring, hence this image.

If you'd like to share this gif/send it as an online Easter card, please do (right-click, click or tap on the image to download and use it). I don't insist on credit, but it's always lovely if you're able to do so, or link back in some way.

Hope all is peaceful well and happy wherever you are. Have a lovely weekend (or more) and I'll see you in a few days.

Thanks so much for being here, and more soon.


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