Saturday 14 March 2015

Fresh, Fun and Funky Mother's Day Card & Gifts

If you're in the UK and reading this when I'm posting, you're seriously late to get your Mother's Day card in the post...

But help is at hand, because you're welcome to send this one as an e-card (just right-click, save target as" and attach or embed in an email as you wish).

On the other hand... if you're in the USA or elsewhere, you're in plenty of time to get hold of this and let your Mum know how you feel with this design on cards *and* gifts.

It came out of a discussion with my hubby the other day about how there weren't many fresh designs for mother's day cards and gifts. So if you are looking for something bright and floral, but a bit more fun, this is for you...

Mixed-media effect Mother's day card in spring green and pink

Click here to get this card

And if you're not into buying cards, but would like to make one in this style, check out CraftArtist. I used the pro version as is (without any of the add-ons you can buy for it), and love how you can get a mixed media art-effect from it without any mess.

There's a free version too, here. (And no, this isn't an affiliate link, I'm just really impressed with the program).

More soon-and let's celebrate spring, whether ort not it's Mother's Day yet where you are.