Thursday 14 July 2022

And All Because I Promised to Send a Postcard...

Hello again, and hope you're well and feeling good.

So, last week's post was ultra-short, and I promised to tell you why.

Basically, I had a birthday (one of the ones that people more numerically-minded than me appear to get more stressed about than I did).

And so much unexpected loveliness got thrown at me (thanks everyone, you know who you are!) that I was (and still am, really) totally out of kilter. (Not complaining in any way, mind you, just saying :-) ).

Just one of the pieces of loveliness was this nifty-looking "paint your own postcards" set.

Photo of a Paint your own postcards set

I would link to it, but can't find it anywhere on the web. Though its makers, Flying Tiger, do seem to make do lots of other and nifty eco-minded products. 

How does it work?

The basic premise is that it's a pack containing, *25* postcards. Each postcard sheet is detachable, but-and this is the clever bit-each sheet also comes with a detachable palette of six colours, the paint in the palette being fused to the paper, but easily water-soluble.

Obviously, I was hooked...

Obviously, I was hooked, just on seeing the set (it comes complete with a small flat brush as well). So hooked in fact that (knowing how much fun it was  going to be to play with this) I blithely promised the donors that *of course,* I would send them a thank you postcard very shortly.

In fact, I was planning several thank-you postcards, including for these beauties...(They are so beautiful, and still going strong, well into their second week of crazy-high's amazing).

Photo of a beautiful bunch of purple, pink and white flowers in a vase

After all, in the joy of using fresh supplies, what can *possibly* go wrong? :-)

And so, I sat down to use the paints...

Having learned an absolute ton from the wonderful Lindsay Weirich's art lessons on YouTube, I know that it's really important to "swatch out" the colours in any new art supply or set. This is so that you can see what they actually look like when not in a palette form, and when blended together, using various brushes. And, thanks to Lindsay, that's what I always do.

I soon discovered that, whilst I had a personal preference for using them with  my trusty Pentel Water Brushes (yes, that *is* an affiliate link, they're amazing) the paints themselves were lovely, mixing and granulating to beautiful natural colours, as the swatch card made on the back of the pack cover, shows...

Photo of paints swatched out

Then, came the postcards themselves...

I had already noticed that the surface of the cards was somewhat shiny. "Maybe that's because they have to resist the watercolours enough to survive transit and arrive in one piece, " I reasoned.

The "grams per square metre," measurement ( I think it's  a weight measurement...the upshot is that it lets you know how thick a particular piece of paper is) had already had me wondering too...

At 180 gsm, I wondered if it would withstand the amount of water you need to use to get watercolours to, well, look like watercolour. (Standard watercolour paper, by the way, is usually 300 grams per square metre, or approximately 110 lbs per square inch, I believe, in the USA).

But even that didn't ring too many alarm. Depending on the paper, with an old envelope or silicone mat behind the paper, and gentle water usage, I've  easily got away with180 gsm before...

Except that...

This time, I couldn't get away with it. The colours were lovely, and *such* fun to use... I wanted to see them blend and granulate. Which somehow, they couldn't seem to do without my having to soak the postcards 'til they buckled.

I was always brought up to believe that, " a bad workman always blames his tools,". So am more than happy to admit I was probably doing something wrong, and would be happy to be corrected by anyone with more knowledge of these postcards than I have. I will update this post immediately if that happens.

But the net result was that I ceased to aim for the beautiful and complex vase of flowers...and just about pulled off some roses before the paper buckled completely...

Photo of a pink watercolour rose painting

Which, with a trip through the scanner and some digital cossetting, became the design in "last" week's post (which may or may not get added to again, in its digital form).


I still had that promise to keep, remember. If the watercolours didn't seem to work on these cards (for whatever reason-maybe even the extreme heat here this week) what else might? And, what else might that could itself withstand transit in the post?

I tried pretty much every art supply I own, (heck, that was fun...) and ended up using...the chunky magnetic whiteboard markers we use to add things to the shopping list board each week.

Yes, they are very good for our whiteboard, and hence this is an affiliate link too, but not necessarily a first-choice for postcards...:-) :-) :-). 


Finally, I was able to send  sent the promised card anyway...

A thank you postcard

And to the people receiving this card, please know that a) I still love the gift, b) it was massive fun to use, c) I now have supplies I know I can wreck (which is true freedom).

And so...

If you're still reading down this far, thank you, and you're amazing. You're now also pretty much up-to-date with everything arty around here (which is more than I am ;-) ).

But some things never change, and so, as ever, have a happy weekend, and...

More soon.
