Friday 8 April 2022

New Digital Painting, in a New Old/Style

Hello there

How are you doing?

 If  you're feeling the need for some calm, this week, I've got a peaceful landscape painting for you.

Painting in digital chalks of a peaceful lake scene, with distant hills
"By the Lakeshore", Digital Painting by Clare Walker, BoundingSquirrel.Com

Yes, I painted it  digitally (but still stroke by stroke, in Krita 5). And for those of you into such things, yes, this does use a different brush to my normal set in there: digital soft chalk.

If you've been reading this blog for a *very* long time (and I do mean a very long time, around 9 years or so)... Firstly, *thankyou,* and second, you may remember that I used to do much more in this "digital pastel," style (such as the pics, here, and here, for example).

This new painting just happened out of nowhere, suggesting it was its right time to emerge. (And to answer the next question am guessing you might have, this is entirely from my imagination, and I have no idea at all where, or even if, this place exists quite like this in, "real life").

 I have a question for you too though, if that's OK. Do you prefer this style, or the usual pen-and-wash? Or both? I'd love to know, so please do leave me a comment over on Facebook if you've got a view on this.

As to what will become of this painting/drawing (if anything), am not sure yet. If you've any thoughts on that, please let me know that too.

And with all that said, it's time just to thank you for reading this, and to wish you as happy and peaceful a weekend as possible.

More soon.

A free animated gif showing a happy chick breaking out of an egg, and wishing the viewer a Happy Easter.
Happy Easter Chick Animated Gif by Clare Walker,
 BoundingSquirrel.Com. Click here to download
 and use or share it.

Yes, Easter would appear to have snuck up on us again, and so before taking a break for it, I just wanted to send you my very best wishes, whatever your way of celebrating  this time of year (or not).

For me, nature and the arrival of new life and hope is always key in spring, hence this image.

If you'd like to share this gif/send it as an online Easter card, please do (right-click, click or tap on the image to download and use it). I don't insist on credit, but it's always lovely if you're able to do so, or link back in some way.

Hope all is peaceful well and happy wherever you are. Have a lovely weekend (or more) and I'll see you in a few days.

Thanks so much for being here, and more soon.


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