Friday 25 December 2020

Day 100/100: Thank You (and Thank You Ecard)

Yes, it's Christmas Day. Yes, it's the final day of my "100 day challenge. And yes, I did draw and pre-post this a little ahead of time, so as to be able to enjoy the holiday period too. (Suspect I didn't think it through by making my "100 days" end quite so dramatically on Christmas Day :-)). Be that as it may though, my overwhelming feeling towards this challenge, and you, is gratitude.

Thank you for sticking with me through it. Thank you for your support, and thank you just for being there at the end of this strangest of years.

And just in case, as is likely at this time of year,you're in need of sending some thank too, please feel free to use either the static thank you jpg or the animated gif to do so if you would like.

Thankyou in Hand drawn text, flashing

I'll be taking some time off now, but will see you in the new year. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday period, however and wherever you find yourself this year.

And thank you, again.