Saturday 14 November 2020

"Gin or Gym" Cartoon: New 2020 Version...And Answers to Calendar Questions...

 It's day 59/100.

Yesterday, I realised that my popular "Gin or Gym" cartoon needed a re-draw if it was going to go into the  Funny Cartoons About Life Calendar . Basically (and embarrassingly), I just couldn't find the original full-size file.

However, am liking the way it came out, and it's now the January page of the calendar. (The deliberately lo-res) version is below:

By the way, as I type, it's only been on sale for a day, and so thanks so much to the people who've already bought it...I love you all.

To the people who are interested in grabbing a copy, but have questions, the following answers may help...

A bit more about the calendar

To answer a few questions you might have about the calendar:

1.Yes, in order to turn it into an orderable item this fast (the idea was only came about a couple of weeks ago) I have had to use a print on demand service. I chose Zazzle because have had great -quality calendars and other items from them in the past, and their design process is flexible, but quick and easy.

2. Because the calendar is made by Zazzle, it's made in the USA, even if you reach it via a "" link.

For UK customers, this means that in the current strange 2020 times, please allow plenty of time for delivery, especially if you're wanting then to send the calendar elsewhere. Zazzle already estimates that UK delivery takes 21 business days, so please, get ordering if you're in the UK and would like a calendar.

3. The calendar is available in three sizes: small, medium and large. The link will take you to the large version, because it demos the pictures especially well. But it's easy to select a smaller size from a drop-down-box  on the order page.

4. As the calendar is print on demand, Zazzle handle all the production and shipping, so I can't help you with any queries (other than to point out that tight UK timescale again, if you're wanting it as a Christmas 2020 gift).

5. The calendar can be set to start in any month or year though, and the cartoons were selected to be as "evergreen" as possible. So whenever you're reading this, it might still make a lovely boost for you or someone else.

6. Finally, if you're in the USA or elsewhere and you'd rather order the calendar through a Zazzle.Com link, please click here.

Many thanks for reading this and if you decide to get the calendar.

More tomorrow (and that'll be just the image, not more calendar-related talk ;-) )