Wednesday 13 November 2019

AEDM 13 Leaves Turned into a Kaleidoscope Design...

It's Art Every Day Month Day 13. And again, here's something entirely different.

Spoonflower's theme for their latest contest was "Kaleidoscope".

So I was aiming to simulate that "brightly-coloured-bits-of-glass-fractal," look of my childhood kaleidoscope (which used to fascinate me for hours).

Somehow, part of my (very bad) photo of some leaves outside ...went through 5 different digital programs, (Picture  to Painting converter, Gimp, Serif Craft Artist, Repper, Photoshop Elements and Gimp again...all with various settings and twiddles therein)

and turned into this...

More -and most probably something different again,  tomorrow.