Sunday 17 March 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day...

We live in a part of London that celebrates St Patrick's Day very seriously indeed. Which of course means there will be as much merriment as possible tonight.

So, although I only have Irish ancestors, it seems appropriate to get into the spirit of the thing with this little picture. The basic idea was, "Why not create the look of a sampler for a traditional Celtic blessing, in the same way that people have always done for biblical verses?"

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. A traditional celtic blessing, with 3 and 4 leafed clovers, and a St Patrick's day pattern in the background.

Anyway, enjoy. As ever, although I created this a couple of weeks ago I *still* didn't get my act together in time to put it on sale anywhere for March 17th. Maybe March 17th 2014, instead...

However, you can send and enjoy it as a free ecard whenever you wish, and not just on St Patrick's Day.