Thursday 22 February 2024

The Happy Spring Birds Background Kit is here...

Image shows a mock-up of 8 background papers in shades of bright blue, pink, green, yellow and white, based on cute bird motifs.
Click or tap here to find out more

At last, these cuuute spring bird papers are ready to fly off and make their colourful way into the world.

So, whether these bright and cheerful printable papers float your boat for cardmaking projects...

Spring Card front mock-up featuring happy spring bird designs
A potential spring card front...

Or you're wondering how you might use them in other projects, like maybe, covering a notebook...

Mockup of a notebook with a "bird and branch paper" cover.
The "birds and branches" paper in action

Or even, as a set of DIY paper placemats (imagine these at a children's party, perhaps?)

The image shows three rectagular spring bird papers, whose happy and bright designs could become DIP printable placemats, fanned out as a trio.
Click or tap here to see all the papers
in the set...

However you might want to use them, if you're reading this between Feb 22nd and Feb 29th 2024, now is a great time to find out more, because all my full-sized kits are 25% off at Craftsuprint,Com for this week only.

And if you're into other things, please stay tuned, because I'll be back next time with a surprise, and something very different...

As ever, thank you for being here, and for reading down this far, and I hope life is treating you well.