Sunflowers. They may not be original, but oh, so beguiling, and cheerful. (And OK, just a bit dramatic, on a dark background.

You might think this would lead to more digital painting. Which it did. Sort of. Eventually.
First there was sorting it out. So my apologies for the very long hiatus here.
But when I did get to being able to focus on the stretch of time it gave me to play around with designs like this, to turn them into patterns...
and much else besides... I got to thinking. And asked,"How can all this digital painting, which is fun, also be much, much more useful?" And I came up with several answers to that.
So, in the next few weeks, I'll be concentrating on the first of these.The aim is to enable you to customise (or customize !) Bounding Squirrel designs as much as you like, and then put the results on your own items.
Watch this space, as they say. (And thank you for your patience!).
PS. This design itself looks great on a range of customisable gifts too, like this one: